Define yourself!

I did this once a long time ago, and just got the idea to do it again a little differently! The idea is you type "your name is" into google (you need to quotation marks for it to work. Then post the first 10 (or 10 most interesting) sentences from the results.
So here we go:

  • Charlotte is Wise, Patient, and Caring (that really was the very first one that came up!)
  • Charlotte is leaving the hospital
  • Charlotte is on maternity leave.
  • Charlotte is the largest city in the state of North Carolina (I'm surprised there weren't more like this)
  • Charlotte is taking a hiatus from blogging.
  • Charlotte is disturbing and shocking
  • Charlotte is obviously suffering from the uniquely female illness, hysteria
  • Charlotte is just as important to children's books as the other one
  • Charlotte is from Sparta
  • Charlotte is definitely dually talented,
  • Charlotte is more than a pet
Feel free to leave a comment and let me know if you try it!


  1. 1. Hope is the thing with feathers
    2. Hope is a belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in...
    3. Hope is Emo
    4. Hope is a choice
    5. Hope is a waking dream
    6. Hope is a lousy defense
    7. Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man (Nietzsche)
    8. Hope is not a strategy
    9. Hope is politics
    10. Hope is power.

  2. Mine is nowhere near as profound as Hope's, but I have just posted my results on my blog. :)


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