Goodbye 2010

What a year it kind of seems like a blur now.

Jan: It all started with getting accepted into an MA program and scrambling to register for the first course (which I managed to do, only a few weeks late).
Feb: Jeanine visited me from Korea during Chinese New Year!
March: Watching the final Olympic hockey game at an insane hour of the day
April: brought a delegation to Yilan for my birthday
May: did a 3km swim in the ocean. 10 years since high school graduation.
June: yea I have no idea what I did in June, must have been stunned by the aftermath of the final season of LOST, but I do remember saying goodbye to Hope after a fun year of her being in Taipei.
July: first Canada Day in Canada in 6 years, began my master's classes in LA, discovered Target...July was an exciting month!
August: Kenting trip and said goodbye to a wonderful roommate, Ashley
Sept: Started the crazy schedule of work and school, plus found out I'd be teaching in Hualian this semester too
Oct: big typhoon and flood in Yilan, oh and I got an iPhone!
Nov: homework, homework, homework, and found out I'm going to be an aunt!
Dec: the usual Christmas and New Years fun

I usually ask my students to discuss what they think were the top 10 news stories of the year, and here are a few:

The good:
The Chilean miners rescue
The World Cup

The bad:
The Haiti earthquake
The Pakistan floods

and the Ugly:
The BP oil spill

2011 has some great things in store so far:
January: visit from a classmate and trip to Thailand
Feb: Carol is having a baby
March: my grandma is coming to visit
April: Sarah is having her baby, my 29th birthday
May: take a nap....
