I arrived at class on Monday and after the end of the first period, the teacher informed me that the next class would be absent because the entire class had to stay home due to H1N1. The government here has made a policy that if there are two positive cases in a class or office within three days, there must be a week of self-quarantine. So I got a free period in the middle of my day and a complimentary(?) pack of surgical masks to wear. I didn't wear them since it would impede language instruction in a number of ways, but most of the students were wearing them, for self protection. It felt like I was teaching classes in a hospital!
Hi! I work with John Bardos of JetSetCitizen.com and YouCanTeachEnglish.com and we would love to interview you by email to ask you some questions about teaching English in Taiwan. It should only take about 30 minutes of your time and we will promote your interview on Twitter and StumbleUpon. Please let me know if you are interested.