• H eaded to our hotel once we got to Hualian, the beautiful Parkview. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone! Not too expensive and nice service, rooms, breakfast, grounds...
  • U npacked a little then headed to the beach - Ci xing tan, where we got a nice view of the ocean before it started to get dark
  • A riel and Richard joined us and we went to a night market for dinner, had an interesting variety of food, including instant noodles, oyster omelettes, and bbq kebabs
  • L ovely Taroko was our first stop the next day where we took pictures and my family did some little hikes, had a picnic lunch at the top
  • I ncidentally, at the place where I broke my leg...
  • A fter we came back down we went to the pine garden and the stone market before calling it a night
  • N ext day we went to the Ocean Park where we met some new friends...

The view from our hotel window, the beautiful grounds and swimming pool which was closed for winter.

The view at Ci Xing Tan beach.

Just before heading to the night market. Dad, Mom, Me, Ariel, A-Hsiang, Richard

Mom and Dad took a stroll around the hotel the next morning after breakfast.

At the front gate before entering into Taroko National Park.

Temple at the top of the hike dad and Zak took while we browsed the hotel gift shops.

Us having our picnic lunch!

Surprise dessert from A-hsiang, delicious tiramisu.


  1. Anonymous3:51 am

    hey char!! sup?? anyways yea ur right beside me but o well... luv u always and i will miss u!!!!


  2. Congrats for posting! See, it wasn't so bad! You must be at least 3/4 through the pics, now? (maybe...) I love how you do such creative things with your posts, like the HUALIEN acrostic...I really need to go update my blog...


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