This pic is from last Saturday, at the end of the activity at the university. Lots of students took pics with me at, and I convinced one of them to email his pictures to me. I didn't think he actually would, but there it was in my inbox today!

I've got a busy Christmas weekend coming up, with a Christmas program at one church where I teach on Saturday night. Our class is singing at the beginning. It will be great except that I have to climb a lot of stairs to get there.

On Sunday my regular church has morning service and a Christmas cantata in the evening. Other than that I'll just be wishing for turkey and trying not to be lonely.

I've got to teach on Monday, just like any other day, but I'll be doing Christmas lessons for my students that day. I also might make some treats for the students, but sadly, my oven broke when I lent it to someone today, so there go my plans of apple crisp, cookies and whatever else I might have baked this weekend. I'll try to get it fixed, otherwise I have to buy a new one... arghh

Anyways, I'll probably get another update in before Christmas, but you might not make it over here, so MERRY CHRISTMAS!


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