More teaching adventures

Since I've just been busy getting my act together and starting all my classes, I don't have much to write about besides my students. I like my job, most days, and while there were plenty of similar 'incidents' like in the previous post (one class not showing up at all, people painfully inept at using their school's technology...), I'm optimistic about my students this semester. My first day at what became my 'problem' school last year went wonderfully. I went back to Chinese class after almost a month, and the girls were so happy to see me. The 3 year old pretty much cuddled by my side the whole time! I remember when I first started going, all but the oldest were a little shy of me.

I had my first class in the church tonight, which was kind of an adventure. We had to use the tiny sunday school classroom because the church kids were using my normal, big classroom. After this adjustment had been made, I was informed (yesterday) that 20 students from one of the high schools had signed up for the class together. It was really difficult to cram so many people into that room, and they just kept coming! Then some of my old students (who were in addition to the 31 that had registered) came out of the elevator! One unfortunate latecomer (a 16 year-old boy) ended up sitting in the front center aisle, only to have the girls behind him complaining that his head was too big!

Before I left Canada, Adam and Erin gave me this beautiful figurine from 10,000 villages of a teacher sitting on a rock and some students on the ground around her. Actually I have taught class outside before (once last year in Yuli when they hadn't informed us in advance that our regular location, the libarary would be closed). If nothing else, I'm learning flexibility, though NOT in the Yoga sense of the word.
This blog update brought to you in part by typhoon rains.
