A Walk.

I walk down the street of my city. I pass unfamiliar stores with indecipherable writing adorning their signs. Shops selling Chinese herbs, Hello Kitty backpacks, lottery tickets. It's Saturday. There are a lot of people out today. I pass some old people who stare at me, heads slowly turning as I walk by. I pass some students I recognize. They're suddenly very interested in the clouds, and don't make eye contact. I pass a young boy who is furiously trying to get his sister's attention who, unfortunately for her, turns to stare at me just as I'm walking by, waiting to meet her gaze. I stop to get some milk tea and am asked by another customer: "Where are you country?" Later as I'm walking by a small food stand a lady flags me down and in perfect English asks me if I've tried this snack before, and insists that I eat one...


  1. I guess those little encounters are the benefit of a walk over a bike ride.


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