so many new friends

It seems like every day we meet someone new, or get to spend time with someone different. We've met some really cute kids who have taken a bit to warm up to us (most kids here are quite shy at first), but then they are so fun!
We went to visit two more schools this week which again was fun, but, especially today turned into more of a "pronunciation lesson" than an observation... it did give me a feel for where the students are at though. I think I am going to have fun teaching them.
I'm really sleepy now, for some reason my body decided to wake up at 5 this morning! It can't be jet lag, so i really have no reasonable explanation! but I got to see some people practicing Tai Chi outside (when i went out on the balcony) that's such a random fact.... lol it was quite impressive to me though... ever have a moment when the reality of something becomes extremely clear? well i have that whenever i see something like that, like the farmers in the rice fields wearing the round straw hats with a pointy top. anyways, maybe that's bizarre, maybe i spend the rest of the time in denial haha
Jeff and Sherly had a big dinner today at their house sort of a Thanksgiving dinner, and we made stuffing and sweet potatoes, which we ate on top of rice... as far as i know everyone liked it too!
anyways, this entry is anything but exciting lol i'm kind of sleepy... i need to write when i'm more energetic!
schedule for the next few days:
Tomorrow kid's rally in the morning: we leave at 7:50
evening: youth group
Sunday: church, lunch with some people from the church/one of the teachers from a school we're teaching at, and some work to do: Bible study planning
Monday: possibly go to Hualien

OH another fun thing is that we've been giving people English names! it is an interesting task... especially finding names they can pronounce! I'm working on finding out chinese names for some people, but i have to ask someone else about it

funny moment of the day (among many i'm sure) : my Chinese last name is "O" and so i was introduced as teacher O (O laoshr), to which one girl in the class responded "oh, hello" it was REALLY hard not to laugh! trust me, it sounded really funny...
