Do you remember the rush of emotion you went through as you were beginning high school? I remember being afraid I'd get lost in the hallways, or walk into the wrong class. I worried I wouldn't have any friends in my classes. How hard would the classes be? How much homework would there be? Ah. Memories. This week I'm teaching fresh(wo)men, in literally their first week at their new high school. ( Speaking of freshmen, my "baby" brother -who was starting kindergarten when I graduated from high school- is entering grade 9 in the fall. Where DOES the time go? ) They're so cute, both shy and excited at the same time. It's fun to be able to say welcome to LY Girls' High School! I also have to remind myself that they're not the same students I left behind last semester who were just getting ready to embark on their final year of high school. I have to talk slowly. I have to explain how to do a "Find someone who..." activity in great detail. I ha...